Working a book into the public consciousness is not simple matter. Along the way an author, or in our case authors, must get help. Publicity becomes the name of the game once a book comes out, and the writer who can keep their book relevant actually wins himself an opportunity for the book to do well sales-wise.
For this reason, authors put on book release parties to attempt to generate some initial energy for the long haul (usually a year or two) of marketing and promoting a book to success. The Rogues put on a grand show Saturday, October 2nd at A Taste of Portugal in Palm Coast.
Without realizing it, we also affected a very talented writer in his own right, Jaycee Adams. His review of our book AND party defines the type of publicity any writer craves. The positive energy in his review had buoyed all four of us and we look forward to getting this book into the conversation of people everywhere.
We appreciate this article ( and we look forward to reading more of Jaycee's blogs. His site is a riot!