You wouldn't know fiction is my passion by the way I post to this site, would you? I love writing and fiction dominates my dreams but I appear to struggle to get a rhythm going.
I post sporadically, I dream too much and I follow through far less often than is needed to be successful so far. I must write "so far" or I'll simply give up. Many factors spring into a writer's life that derails even the best of plans.
I wonder at times at my decision to pursue The Dream. Yes, I want (and need) to make money writing, but that's not The Dream. The Dream is to be successful. Success can involve many facets and take on many faces. Money is simply one of those faces.
I envy those who make writing their 'hobby' and don't quit their day jobs - only for a moment each day. Then I look at what I'm doing, the amount of time I have left in this life (nanoseconds to maybe thirty years) and I come to the conclusion that writing is a noble way to exit.
I could slave away for a corporation like millions or billions of contemporaries, but that life is not my desire. So what if I fail? So what if people scoff at my writing and laugh at my foibles? What will it matter to me a hundred years from now?
Yes, I'm ranting a bit. I'm upset that I've allowed too many obstacles to my writing hold sway over my determination to press forward. I'm ranting because I remain my own worst enemy. I'm ranting as a means to jolt myself back on track.
Yes, these are baby steps. Yes, there are many trials ahead. Yes, I love what I do. For this reason, I continue to write, struggles and all. Fiction will come yet from these fingers...